Music and Tech…

  • New Dj Set

    Caved and bought the new KS4 Mk3… here is a set I made with it.

  • Kontrol S4 X1 Monterey 12.6.3 Driver Install

    This will only work on Intel Macs. I am running Monterey 12.6.3. Native-Instruments says its macs fault, but my hardware works. I think its just an issue of making a new installer and they dont want to. Buy new gear I guess. We are just going to extract the installer. So download the legacy drivers.…

  • Site back up?

    Yes… Seems that way. The old site died using ghost and not staying up to date.. Will try to get the old post and tutorial up about Native Instruments S4, X1 on osx. Lost a lot from the site and having to rebuild everything has been a pain in the ass. Been through a lot…